有聲無痰者謂之「咳」,有痰無聲者謂之「嗽」,有聲又有痰者謂之「咳嗽」。黃帝內經:「五臟六腑皆令人咳,非獨肺也」。可見咳嗽成因未必如一般人想像的單純是風寒感冒所引起。金元名家劉河間曰: 咳,呼吸,肺氣傷而不清也。嗽,消化,脾溼而痰動也。咳為肺氣上逆,嗽為胃氣上逆。故黃帝內經有...
We continue to take precautions inside our clinic to minimise the risk of spread of Covid-19. This ensures the health and wellbeing of all our patients and staff, and allows us to continue being here for you. As a healthcare service provider, ALL PATIENTS/VISITORS ARE REQUIRED TO WEAR A MEDICAL MASK IF THEY ARE ENTERING THE CLINIC.
Do not come to the clinic if you have COVID. Instead, phone the dedicated Healthline number: 0800 358 5453 for COVID-19 health advice. Thank you for your consideration.